Minggu, 30 September 2012


Fruits, especially the old releases a gas called ethylene. Etilendisintesis by plants and cause more rapid ripening process. Selainetilen produced by plants, there is a synthetic ethylene, which etepon (2-kloroetifosfonat acid). Ethylene is a frequently used synthetic traders to accelerate ripening of fruit. Therefore the fruit that parents often put into place closed (brooded) in order to quickly cook.

Ethylene is a unique compound found only in the form of gas. senyawaini forced ripening fruit, causing the leaves on and stimulate penuaan.Tanaman often increase ethylene production in response to stress dansebelum dead. Ethylene concentration fluctuations of the season to set kapanwaktu grow leaves and when mature buah.Selain spur ripening, ethylene also stimulate seed germination, menebalkanbatang, encourage leaf drop, and it inhibits stem elongation kecambah.Selain, ethylene delay flowering, reduce apical dominance and inisiasiakar, and inhibit seedling stem elongation.
Tomatoes are picked while still green color, and it will own after being picked riper, so farmers have enough time to sell it without worrying tomatoes will quickly rot. While other fruits such as peppers, grapes and strawberries should be picked when ripe and eaten quickly after being picked.Pitohormon Ethylene is a substance contained in tomatoes, peppers, grapes and strawberries that provides its own maturing effect on tomatoes after picking, but why only give substance Pitohormon Ethylene effects on tomatoes alone?Seeing this phenomenon the researchers from the Max PlanckInstitute of Molecular Plant Physiology Potsdam, United States, do peneltian metabolism, by comparing two tomato fruit are climacteric and non-climacteric habanero peppers. Research results, which occurs in tomatoes is, when plucked, tomatoes emit gases Ethylene Pitohormon an increase in the number of large (etilon shock) that can bersintentesis own. Synthesis of Ethylene Pitohormon contains two enzymes ACC synthase and ACC oxidase, these enzymes can lead to riper tomatoes themselves after picking, making green chloroplasts turn into colorful kloropas, forming sugar, and nutrient content changes. While on habanero peppers, Pitohormon Ethylene content did not increase after picking, so it can not be riper own.

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